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Living Stones Ministries Introduction and Invitation's

Updated: Nov 1, 2022

Living Stones / Ann's Garden Oasis

Good Day, My name is Ann.

1 Peter 2:5 is a verse in the Bible that describes Followers of Jesus Christ as Living Stones.

It says “We are as Living Stones that God is using to build a Spiritual House, A Holy Priesthood.”

Simply put, Living Stones Ministries Passion or Dream is to help you realize your Passion or Dream, and to be a part of building Christ’s Church, building us up as those Living Stones, one stone at a time.

I am here to encourage you, help to equip you, and mobilize you into doing what God is calling you to do.

You have unique God-given gifts and abilities meant to be used to make a difference in the sphere of influence God has specifically placed you in.

Living Stones Ministry exists as a resource to help you connect within the Church in ways that are meaningful to you, and to help you to grow in your relationship with Christ, stepping out into gifts God has given you as an important part of the Body of Christ.

I can be a sounding board or someone to brainstorm with. I can help you make the connections you need to get your dream off the ground. And I will pray!

This fall, to kick off Living Stones Ministry, We hosted “Let Your Dreams Take Flight” on Sept 16, 17 at Nanaimo Alliance Church. 1609 Meredith Rd. Nanaimo, BC.

I attended this same conference approx 4 years ago and it was phenomenal.

Our Speaker, Wendy Peter, Women on the Frontlines Global Director, weaved her own personal story of how God came in and changed her life, and as she said YES to Him, her dreams unfolded to His Glory.

Through LYDTF, Wendy helped us define our dreams and discover our why, and to recognize and avoid dream killers that interfere with walking out God's dreams for our lives.

We gained the skills to build our idea into a flourishing opportunity, ministry or business that will have “Kingdom Impact”.

Now I have been to many retreats, but this one has been the most forward-propelling conference I have ever been to.

I keep going back to the things that I learned there, and even after several major setbacks, one being covid, and that wasn’t the worst one, I am still moving forward in what God put in my heart through the LYDTF conference 4 years ago.

The Lord has put it into each one of us to flourish in the good things that He has prepared for us to do. He does not call the equipped. He equips the called.

Each one of us is CALLED! We are the Ecclesia, The Church, the “Called Out Ones”. As we say YES to God, He will equip us for every good work.

I leave you with these verses as a prayer for each one of you:

Hebrews 13:20,21

Now may the God of all peace, who brought up our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, that great Shephard of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever, Amen!

You can check out women on the Frontlines and see where you might attend one of WOFL conferences and other ways you can grow in the gifts God has given you at :

They also have a face book page where you can connect with other women and be encouraged together along the way through this journey of life.

If you would like to talk more about Living Stones Ministry and how I can be of assistance to you, please do message me through this website and I will be in touch as soon as I can.

A new part of Living Stones Ministries is;

"Ann's Garden Oasis"

A place of Healing and Restoratation.

Ann's Garden Oasis is a lovely, quaint and quiet place to get away from the busyness of life and just rest and retore yourself. It is a perfect place to get alone with God, and listen for His voice, allowing Him to love on you, and to lead and guide you into all that He has for you in the days to come. Prayer couseling is available by appointment on request. Feel free to call 778-269-3958 to book or;

Check out Ann's Garden Oasis on facebook:

You are also able to book through Airbnb:

May God bless and keep you!

Love in Christ,


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